Support the Mission of AAM: Serving the Episcopal Church

The AAM Endowment Fund was established to receive, invest, and administer bequests and gifts to the Association. The Fund currently stands at over $1.2 Million. Since it began disbursing funds, nearly $230,000 has been awarded through AAM Endowment Grants and the Gerre Hancock Internship. The Endowment deals in Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance investing (ESG) securities, as befits a church-based organization such as AAM. We also encourage you to consider including AAM in your charitable giving and estate-planning through our Founders’ Society. Contributions to the AAM Endowment Fund are considered temporarily restricted funds and will be used for projects that are reviewed by the Grants Committee and given final approval by the Association’s Executive Board in accordance with AAM’s Resource Use Policy.

Your gift can be made electronically below or by sending a check (made payable to AAM Endowment) to:

AAM Endowment
c/o Joe Galema
2672 Hatch Cir.
Colorado Springs, CO 80918-6020

Make a donation of any amount to the AAM Endowment, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.